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A highly prominent name is that of Hawa. It was the most ancient name for the Creator, and is easily identified from a Hebrew verb meaning “to form,” or “to mold.”

As time flowed on, and the world fell apart, different people developed different names for the Father-god, for the Creator King of the Gods, and for other superhuman personalities. The myths show common patterns but the stories and relationships among the gods varied from place to place. Estrangement of the cultures caused them to remember the same general arrangement but with different details. Oral tradition and later literary embellishments eroded a solid core of social memory.

The myth stories show these common patterns, but with divergent embellishments. Through this study it is now possible to isolate the old names and show evidence which was preserved beyond the deteriorating process of social memory and the distortions of ancient scribes in their literary accounts. We can now determine the original forms.

In Chapter Two we encountered the AngloSaxon “Alloa” with its present form of “Hello” and the curious parallel with the Hawaiian Island “Aloha.” These greetings had strong parallels with “Eloha” or “Eloah,” the Hebrew name for God. Furthermore, as I shall show, the biblical name for the personal God of Israel was Yahweh, translated in many modern English versions of the Bible simply as LORD. This name, although not readily evident, is related to Eloah, and to Hawa also.

Eloah-Aloha forms are found in place-names:  

Many other “loa” forms abound.

One other word is also important to the presentation of this chapter. El, the Canaanite word for God, is much used in the Bible. El Shaddai is “God Almighty” in Gen 17:1. Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani is the famous quote in Matt 27:46 by Jesus as he hung on the cross: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

I shall now consider some of the Creator evidence.

Kaubab El Hawa is one of the most ancient excavated sites in IsraelTK. El Hawa (“God Creator”) is the key to a host of linguistic forms. While El, a common Semitic word for God, is well remembered in the Bible, Hawa, the ancient name for the Creator, is not. The reason is simple. When the Israelites were given Yawa during the Exodus, the new name for the Creator, they learned to forget the old Hawa. Hawa was no longer remembered by the Hebrews.

El Hawa names are scattered around the world. Many of these have coalesced into one word. Alawa is in NigeriaTWIG. On Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands the name is known as Halawa. It is also found in Halawa, Jordan and Halawa in the Jubel Mountains of the SudanTAW, TWIG. Here the El has shifted to Al with an “H” added to the front. Other forms of this name may be Alava Province, Spain and Alava Mountain of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific. It is also seen in the Al Hawaya desert area of Saudi ArabiaTWIG.

If one attempts to pronounce El Hawa rapidly, with accent on the final “wa” and not on the initial “Ha,” one readily recognizes how the “H” of Hawa can be slurred into Elawa. Accent on the last syllable is practiced in Hebrew and other languages.

The Hawa name is found many places without the El. Examples are Hawa, Syria and Hawa, MongoliaTWIG. It is found in Awah Island, Kuwait and Awa, Ethiopia as well as Awa, OkinawaTAW,TWIG,TK. The Hawa name may also be found in Ava Island in the Bismark Archipelago, in Ava of the Samoan Islands, and in Ava, Burma as well as Ava Lahi channel in the Tonga Islands of the South Pacific.

The Awa name in Ethiopia is also given as Ua. If we vocalize Oa or Ua we find ourselves making a “w” sound between the two vowels. The problem of how to spell such sounds is illustrated in the Random House Dictionary of the English Language. In the dictionary section the name Massaua, for a seaport in Ethiopia, has the “ua” form but the same name in the gazetteer section has the form Massawa.

Numerous other Awa and Hawa names existTAW,TWIG,TAC:  

Plus many others.

Then there are such names as:

There are also many Oa, Oua, and Ua names:  

Plus many others.
 In China there are innumerable Hao, Hou, Hua, and Huo names. In Vietnam they appear in couplet form:

The Hoa name is pronounced Hawa; others are variant spellings.

Huahua (Hawa-Hawa) River in Nicarauga is paralleled with Huehuetenango in Guatamala andChihuahua, Huajuapn, Huamantla, Huaquechula, Huehuetlanand other Hua-Hue forms in Mexico. In the ancient Mexican language huehue is pronounced hawahawa; it meant “great antiquity.”

Many times the initial syllable is lost to leave a simple wa or wai. This is illustrated by the American Indian Tribal name Hawallapai, also known as WalapaiHAI:

There are numerous Wai names in New Zealand and the South Pacific.
 Numerous other names have the -awa ending:  

Plus many others.

This form is also found many places with an “a” suffix. There are Wallowa (Hawa-El-Hawa) mountains, lake, river and place in Oregon. This name is seen as a doublet in Walla Walla, Washington and Walla Walla, New South Wales (Hawa-El-a). It is also in Walwa, Australia as well as Walwai, Afghanistan and others:  

These many different forms of the worldwide Hawa name find parallels in mythology. UA was number one of the Egyptian gods, the One, God. UaUa was the “Only One,” the “One Alone,” the “One and Only,” the “One without second,” the Creator of things that areEHD. He was known also as Neb-ua.

On the American continent Hawaneyu was the Iroquois name for the Great SpiritNAM, TK.

Awahili was the Cherokee name for the Great Sacred Eagle. (Ouahili is also the name for a native tribe of Algeria, North Africa.)

According to the story told to early white explorers Hiawatha was the name of an outstanding Mohawk chief who lived a few centuries before their arrival. However he was also known as the Great Law Giver and his name is shown as Haio-Hwa-Tha, suggesting that perhaps the Indian memory confused a tribal hero with an early godDWM, NAM.

Niney Hawaya was a Choctaw name meaning “Bending Hill” — the place of emergence. But this name was also used for their Creator.

In these examples we see the simple Hawa form. If we consider El Hawa we can find other parallels. Did Eloah, the Hebrew name for God, derive from El Hawa? How are they related? Before we examine this connection in detail consider other Eloah-Eloha names which appear in mythology.

Yana-Uluha was the Pueblo Indian name for the High Priest first sent down to earth by the Creator. His role is similar to that of Melchizedek in Ps 110, a High Priest forever, one commissioned by Yahweh, the Creator. Not only may the Uluha of the name be related to Eloha but the Yana is significant also. Yana is the Hebrew way to pronounce a name familiar to all of us, Jonah, who was swallowed by the whale. The name Yana means dove, a symbol of peace. We are promised a Prince of Peace but many believe this was Jesus. Yana-Uluha was the “Dove of Eloha.”

If we return back across the Atlantic to the eastern Mediterranean we find that Haloa was a pagan spring festival in ancient Greece, celebrated at the time of vernal equinox, equivalent to the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter. It was celebrated in honor of Persephone, the personification of spring, who returned each spring from her abode in the netherworld. The Greek festival was also celebrated in honor of Demeter, the goddess of fertility and protector of marriage and the social order. But Dionysius, the god of fertility, was not forgotten; he was honored also in this celebrationRHDEL. As we shall see, he was a memory of Adam.

The Greeks remembered the Eloah name other ways. The Aloadae were Otus and Ephialtes, the giant twin sons of Poseidon and Iphemedia. Iphemedia later married Aloeus who became foster father of the twins. Aloeus is the Greek form of Eloah, with the characteristic Greek “s” ending. If the twins were adopted by God they became step children of God and hence sons of GodRHDEL, AE.

The clue behind all these names and word forms — in place names, mythological gods, and the Hebrew name for God — is found in conjugation of the Hebrew word Haya: “to be,” “to exist.” See Table 5-1.

In the Pi’el form the word Hawa (#1) means “to form,” “to mold.” The imperative in the masculine singular literally is “Form!,” “Mold!” Hawa is the “Great Molder,” the one who fashions and forms. He is the Creator.

Note that I took two liberties in this tabulation. The current Hebrew pronunciation would use a “v” instead of a “w” in the words. This is a common sound shift; by showing a “w” we see how well the Hebrew word explains the abundant planetary evidence. I also use “a” as an ending on some words rather than “eh,” a common substitution not clearly distinguished by Hebrew scholars.

From examination of the verb tabulation we can see how the Hebrew word for God may have arisen. El married with Howeh (#2) became Eloah.

Note that in pronunciation of many of the “o-a” sounds it is easy to form the glottal stop, a shortening of the “o” to break it from easy flow with the “a.” This then tends to make Eloah into Elo-ah, and hence Eloha, as we find in the Hawaiian Aloha and other “oha” names.

The tabulation shows many interesting forms. The Indian name Hiawatha is commonly pronounced Haya-watha. In the Indian form it was Hai-Hwa-Tha. We can see that haya(#3) is the basic root of the Hebrew verb, while Hawa in the Pi’el form, is the Creator. Haya-Hawa-Tha comes directly out of the Hebrew verbs.

Place names, in addition to those tabulated above, also are evident.

M’hawa (#4) is found in Mahuva, India. Hiwa, Huwa and other forms are also explained. Two outstanding ones are Hawana (#5), and T’hawana (#6). Hawana is found in Havanah, Cuba and Havannah Channel, New CaledoniaRHDEL, as well as Havannavela, Ceylon. T’hawana is found in Tijuana, Mexico.

Other names are Avana oil field in Iraq, Awanu, New Zealand and Uwanah, Syria. The Tihawana may also be found in Taiwan and Taiyun, China. In Mexico are Tehuacan, Tehuantepec and Tehuipango. Without the terminal “a” this name may show in Huon, New Caledonia as well as Huon, New Guiana and Huong Khe, Vietnam. In the New World we find names such as Huancaneli, Huancayo, Huanchaca and Huanuco in Peru and Bolivia.

In the Pi’el verb we find Ahawa (#7). This form may be found in Ahaura, Lake Ohua, and Ohaupo, all of New Zealand, as well as Ahua in the Fiji Islands. One might also add Oahu of the Hawaiian Islands. But the state of Iowa in the United States is shown in an earlier form as Howah, which would be Howeh or Howah directly from the tabulationHAI. Numerous other names could be found by searching the Atlases.

The tabulation also explains other evidence from the Bible. The name for God most commonly used in the Bible is not the singular form, Eloah, but rather the plural form Eloheem. This is found directly in the plural Kal present tense, (#8), Howeem, corresponding to the singular Howeh. All we need do is add El to the front.

In Exodus 3 Moses was confronted by God. A conversation ensued in which God commanded Moses to go speak for him to the people of Israel. Moses was highly reluctant to take on such a commission and, apparently as part of his attempt to avoid the duty, asks God how he, Moses, is supposed to identify God to his people. God is provoked and tells Moses I AM WHO I AM. He shall tell the people that I AM sent him. The phrase I AM WHO I AM literally in Hebrew is AHYEH ASHER AHYEHAhyeh is the first person male singular of the future Kal, #9 of the tabulation: I am. But God is not satisfied that Moses shall tell the people I AM had sent him. This was too ordinary; everyone knows that God is, that he exists. Rather Moses should tell the people that Yahweh, the God of his fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, sent him. This was to be his name. The name Yahweh was to be remembered throughout all generations.

The name is significant. It is the third person male singular of the future form in the Pi’el, #10, Y’Hawa, HE SHALL CREATE. God wanted to be known as the one who not only was, AHYEH, nor as the one who had created, HAWA, but as the one who would create, YAHWEH. He was taking command of a planet that had been lost in the spiritual darkness of celestial rebellions. Now he would create in a way that would stand as a memorial throughout all the ages of universe time.

This discussion now brings us to Jesus’ name. It is commonly thought to derive from the Hebrew Joshua. Jesus in Greek is pronounced Yesoos, and is commonly vocalized that way among modern Spanish people. One difficulty is the “e” vowel. Why did it come over into Greek as an “e” and not an “o?” Yoshua might have yielded Yosoos, not Yesoos. Scholars believe the name Yoshua derives from Y’hoshua, a defective form of Y’hosha. It is also confused with Y’hoshayaSEC,AHCL. Y’hoshaya is found in I Sam 17:47 and Ps 116:6. It means “he will save.” Y’hoshaya is the Hiphil third person masculine future of Yasha, “to save.” In the Y’hosha form it is thought the name may derive from a combination of Y’hawa and Yasha: “He will create” + “He will save.”

But there is another form which adds further confusion. It is Yesh, used adverbially or as a copula for the verb haya, to stand out or to exist. Strong3426 shows it used as “there are,” “he is,” “I have,” and so on. With Hawa, the inflected form of Haya, Yesh-Hawa could easily mean “He is the Creator.” And this is Jesus.

(2) (8) The howeh and howeem words combined with the very ancient El to form the common Hebrew names for God, El + howeh = Eloha and El + howeem = Elohim. I highlight them in the above tabulation to show their origin. Literally, they mean God exists, or Gods exist. These were ancient forms coming down to us through the Hebrew tribes.

(10) Y’haweh, “I shall form or mold,” shortened to Yahweh, (Yawa), is the name found in the Old Testament texts. This is the name our Creator gave us for the future of this world.

(1) Haweh (Hawa) is the form found everywhere across our planet, a place name from very ancient times. In the imperative it means He Forms! or He Molds! The implication is not one who creates the basic building blocks of the universe but one who uses those basic building blocks to create the worlds, biological organisms, and man.

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